Business Assistant
Business Assistant.iso
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760 lines
(c) Copyright 1985, 1986 garMark Software
GO GENERAL LEDGER is the copyrighted property of garMark Software. You are
hereby granted a limited license to use GGL subject to the following
Users may make copies of this program for trial use by others on a PRIVATE NON-
Even though the program is shareware, and can be freely copied, there are still
some limitations to protect the quality of the distribution of the program and
to support future development. The shareware concept is described in
Appendix B of this manual.
Under this license, you may NOT:
1) Distribute the program in connection with any other product or
2) Charge anything for GO GENERAL LEDGER. An exception is made for
registered user groups who may charge a cost-based fee (not to
exceed $10) to cover their own costs.
3) Distribute a work copy of a GGL disk that contains the GGL.DFT file.
However, it may be distributed in its original, unmodified form
with no GGL.DFT file.
By accepting and using this software, you acknowledge that it may not suit your
particular requirements or be completely trouble-free. With proper application
it will perform as described. However, garMark Software is not responsible for
your specific application or any problems resulting from it's use.
This software and it's included documentation is distributed with no repres-
entations or warranties, either real or implied. Any implied warranties are
specifically disclaimed.
Those distributing this software shall have no liability whatsoever for
any claim for damages suffered by the users or others, whether incidential,
consequential or otherwise, caused or alleged to have been caused by use of
the software or supporting documentation.
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Installing & Operating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
File Summary 3
Data Entry 4
Main Selections. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Set-up or Revise Defaults 5
Print Reports & Post Accounts 6
Revise Chart of Accounts 7
Enter Transactions 9
Examine Account Status 11
In Case of Difficulty. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Revision History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Shareware Concept. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Registration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
GGL is a conventional double entry accounting system with new productivity
features. Some of these features are:
> No more unfound sheets of paper with account names and
account numbers.
> Account Symbols are always available on the screen when
entering Transactions, and entry of account numbers is
> Transaction entry includes the ability to Reconcile Bank
Statements; the means for recalling Repeaters, such as
withholding each month; and automatic indexing of Check
> Program functions and Accounts often may be selected simply
by tapping the Enter key.
> Accounts are set-up by entering the account name and current
amounts with a full-screen editor utilizing WordStar-like
> A five year audit trail for all accounts. Also, transactions
may be reproduced from as far back as there are disk files.
> Multiple sets of books can be maintained with one program.
> Color compatable written for the most modern IBM-PC computers
and their look alikes.
Many computer accounting programs require that you first read a huge manual and
do extensive calculations to set-up the files before running the program. This
one requires none of that. It is among the fastest and most convenient avail-
able. We have made it nearly self-documenting. Any needed documentation is on
the disk. Your familiarization with double entry bookkeeping, financial state-
ments, and your computer has been assumed.
GGL operates with PC/DOS and utilizes Epson MX-type printer control codes.
Your computer must have at least 200k of RAM available for applications. This
software can be used with either fixed or floppy disk drives.
If you are like many others, you don't want to spend a lot of time reading an
undecypherable tome on how to run your new program. Yet, there are always a
couple things that must be done. So, let's Go General Ledger with the neces-
sary installation procedures.
Your operating system must be properly configured, and a new disk or direct-
ory prepared to receive the GGL programs and data. The procedure used will
vary depending upon whether you are operating with only floppy drives or a
fixed disk. If you have not done it, you should write-protect your original
disk at this time.
1. Place your DOS disk be in drive A: and a new blank disk in drive B: with
the logged drive set to A>.
2. Type FORMAT b:/s/v This will prepare the a disk suitably labeled with
the operating system on it.
3. Use COPY A:*.* B: to copy all of the program and data files from the
original to the new disk.
4. Now, you need to create a CONFIG.SYS file on the new disk. Perhaps the
easiest way is to put the new disk in the logged drive and enter the
FILES=20 <cr>
BUFFERS=16 <cr>
^Z <cr> ctrl-Z
If you want more information on configuring your operating system, look
in your DOS Manual.
HARD DISK (Drive C:)
1. While in the root directory of drive C:
a) Create a CONFIG.SYS file by following the steps given in 4 above.
b) Use MkDir \ACCOUNTS to create a new sub-directory called ACCOUNTS.
2. Use ChDir \ACCOUNTS to make ACCOUNTS the logged directory.
3. Use COPY A:*.* C: to copy all of the program and data files from the
original disk in drive A: to the new directory in drive C:.
After these steps have been completed successfully, IPL (reboot) your computer
and the operating system will be properly configured to operate GGL. If you
are using a hard disk, after you reboot change to the proper directory. Then,
simply type "GGL", followed with Enter, and you're Going General Ledger.
The programs must always be operated from the logged drive and directory.
You are now reading the text file called MANUAL.GGL and are probably using the
file called SEE.MAN to read it. Once you have the necessary documentation
these two files will no longer be needed.
There are six PROGRAM files on the disk. They are called:
GGL.000 GG1.000 GG2.000
These files will occupy almost 200,000 bytes of disk space. Whenever you want
to transfer the program files these are the files to copy. The program will
automatically create one other file in the programs directory. It is a small
file called GGL.DFT. It's existence determines whether or not you see the log-
on Logo with the initial inst